The Princess and the Pea

Once upon a time, there was a prince that wanted to marry a princess, but he wanted to marry the one. The only question was how is he going to determine which one is the right one for him. It was a tough question, and the first thing the prince did was order his servants to pack up all of the nice stuff.
Before looking for the One, the prince wanted to have all of his nice clothes such as silk shirts, golden jackets, and others packed up nicely for him. His parents were very excited and wished him good luck on his journey hoping he’ll return soon.
The prince headed off in golden carriages. He met a lot of beautiful ladies, princesses, noble women but he did not feel like any of those women was the one. The prince went back home sad because he did not find his future wife. He admitted to his parents that not a single woman was the one from his dreams.
One night a terrible storm started, and it was raining heavily. While the thunders were raging on, somebody knocked on the castle door. It was an entirely wet girl. She shivered from the coldness and even though she was tormented by the storm she looked beautiful.
They let her into the castle to freshen up,and the girl kept on saying that she was a princess. The prince sent his servants to bring the girl to him, and when he saw her, he fell in love with her at first sight. When he saw her, he felt incredible happiness and wanted to believe that she was the one. At that moment, all he could think about is making sure that she was a princess.
The prince did not even suspect that his mother was thinking same as him. She took a pea, placed it in the guest room under twenty mattresses, and the girl had to sleep like that.
In the morning, they asked her if she slept nice and her answer was no because she felt like she was sleeping on something hard. They realized she was a princess because she felt the pea underneath her. The prince and the princess got married, and the pea was placed into a treasury.

1. who end up marrying the prince?
2. did the princess sleep well that night?
3. what make the queen and the prince sure that she is the right princess?
4. where was the pea placed after the prince and the princess got married?
5. how many mattresses does the princess slept on?


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